Monday, April 18, 2011

Where did Vlad go?

Hey Everyone!

So, I'm sure you all know who Vlad Krutskikh is. Handsome singer from Russia? Picture here above? Well, if you follow him on twitter ( you will notice he hasn't tweeted in a while. I don't know what happened to him, but I think as his fans, we should support him in his absence. How about us vladaholic's tweet his links, RT his old tweets, and spread the word of Vlad as much as we can. Vlad is a sweetheart and while the reason he is not tweeting is unknown, let's try our best to let him know how much we love him! Here is my message to Vlad:

Dear Vlad,

If I'm going to be honest, ever since I met you (via twitter), my life has been MUCH better. Your kindness and good looks and sweet voice make me smile. You are what every girl looks for in a boy.

I love to support you. You never disappoint me. It is nice to know someone like you. You impact my life a lot, but in a good way! Haha! My dream is to meet you some day in person! I know in a few years, America will be in love with you and Heroes. Trust me. I will continue to spread the word! I love Heroes!!!

A Vladaholic :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Vlad Krutskikh reaches 10K!! Congrats!

We did it! 

We got Vlad Krutskikh to 10k followers on twitter! This guy really deserve it! I mean, he is sooo busy, yet he finds the time to talk to his fans and thank them for all they do! His group "Heroes" ever made a thank-you video!  I mean, can these boys get any sweeter?! Congratulations, Vlad (@VladKrutskikh) , for reaching 10K followers! I am proud to be one of those followers! I am also proud to call myself a Vladaholic for life!